Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Who Gives Wealth?

A friend house-sits in the desert, and a house temperature (for air conditioning) must set at 80 degrees! Sounds all too familiar: people literally dying, from conditions that are aggravated or exacerbated by dehydration, to save a penny; and why? Because that's an aspect of their limited understanding of medicine and economics for living in the desert. Twice in my life (Stephens speech of Acts 7 comes to mind), while under the roof and rule of another person (yes, they offered me shelter from the elements but denied me comfort), I was "commanded" not to lower the thermostat below an insanely warm setting. As I recall, I was in that position until I chose to step out on faith to break not only my pattern of dependence on another, but also to break away from someone else's misguided notion about the value of supposed wealth. Saving pennies on electricity will eventually cost thousands in medical bills because folks get their medical advice from the media rather than from an actual study of medicine.  I finally learned the lesson, while living in the Las Vegas desert, to pay my own way, so that I stood in opposition to yet another attempt by some other person to control the temperature of my house. Folks who choose to live in challenging temperatures are responding to emotional traumas that they continue to drag around, in spite of available information that advises otherwise. Emergency rooms around the world are full of my proof of this fact. Those elevated temperatures may be suitable for animals, but we are human. When they treat me as though I were an animal, I do not respond as an animal by attacking or by cowering: I walk away, and leave them to slow-cook in their own devices. Remember ... the church is a bush that grew into a tree that even houses "the fowls of the air".  We, who claim to be followers of The Christ are not all guided by the Lord our God. Most of us attempt to serve 2 masters: God and greed. The seventh church of those to receive letters in the book of Revelation, was the church of Laodicea; the city of those who had acquired wealth. Like the church of their neighbor, the Colossians, they valued wealth more than the Lord. So much so, the Lord is locked out of "their church", and has to knock on the door in an attempt to gain entry.
Revelation 3:20
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Thus ...  the admonishment:
Deuteronomy 8 

 6Therefore thou shalt keep the commandments of the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, and to fear him.
 7For the LORD thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills;
 8A land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig trees, and pomegranates; a land of oil olive, and honey;
 9A land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness, thou shalt not lack any thing in it; a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass.
 10When thou hast eaten and art full, then thou shalt bless the LORD thy God for the good land which he hath given thee.
 11Beware that thou forget not the LORD thy God, in not keeping his commandments, and his judgments, and his statutes, which I command thee this day:
 12Lest when thou hast eaten and art full, and hast built goodly houses, and dwelt therein;
 13And when thy herds and thy flocks multiply, and thy silver and thy gold is multiplied, and all that thou hast is multiplied;
 14Then thine heart be lifted up, and thou forget the LORD thy God, which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage;
 15Who led thee through that great and terrible wilderness, wherein were fiery serpents, and scorpions, and drought, where there was no water; who brought thee forth water out of the rock of flint;
 16Who fed thee in the wilderness with manna, which thy fathers knew not, that he might humble thee, and that he might prove thee, to do thee good at thy latter end;
 17And thou say in thine heart, My power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth.
 18But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.
 19And it shall be, if thou do at all forget the LORD thy God, and walk after other gods, and serve them, and worship them, I testify against you this day that ye shall surely perish.
20As the nations which the LORD destroyeth before your face, so shall ye perish; because ye would not be obedient unto the voice of the LORD your God.


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