07/16/2011 Human Observations
Somebody’s gotta say it …
Family Webicine
with Rod Moser, PA, PhD
Stories from behind the examining room door, as told by Rod Moser, PA, a primary care physician assistant with more than 35 years of clinical experience.Friday, October 16, 2009
People who primarily get their health information from the evening news, the local newspaper, or non-medical Internet sites are in big trouble. The amount of conflicting information about the risks or benefits of just about anything is staggering. I guess I am particularly troubled by television news.
I copied this portion of this physician’s article to point to the error of some folks concerning their flawed medical understanding; and the harmful effects resulting from their misguided medical judgment, as when utilized to treat those who are medically compromised. When party girls or guys instantly become parents, they are not automatically injected with information in the healing arts. So, the “Dr. Mom” commercial that shows the wise mother serving up drug relief for her virally infected family is exactly that: a television ploy designed to separate medically Un-informed women from their money, without prior medical consultation. Also, the commercial about the office guy who shows up for work sick but “feeling great” as opposed to the less smart guy suffering from viral symptoms because he took the wrong drugs the night before … is designed to make you “feel” smarter about taking drugs when you diagnose and treat yourself; even though you have no medical background on which to base your diagnosis, prognosis, or treatment regime.
Our USA is overweight and under-educated, self deluded by insufficient information. We are fat, not big boned. We practice medicine without REAL medical information.
2 Corinthians 10:12
For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
Both spiritual and physical healing begins with the truth; not with supposition or assumption. Television ads sell merchandise (drugs); medical study heals. Believers are healed of separation from He who provides life, not by our efforts, but by that of Christ, in that He died in place of us to satisfy the same law that regulates electricity and magnetism. Getting around the law might be popular, but, is nevertheless … futile.
Since we, through Christ alone, are reconciled with God, we live in constant gratitude to Him, practicing the activities that communicate our appreciation for His love of and grace to us. So we participate in our rituals and ceremonies to please Him, to demonstrate our gratefulness. The rituals and ceremonies are anniversaries that memorialize and celebrate Christ’s act of deliverance; they do not, of themselves, deliver or save or reconcile. Biblical rituals point to Jesus, as the Messiah, as He alone operates to save the world full of spiritually dead humans. Our familiarity with the depth of God’s love for us increases as we more regularly participate in the things of God. So we learn to worship God, not the rituals and ceremonies; therefore avoiding the error of turning a ritual or ceremony into an idol.
It’s not what we do but why we do it that reveals our hearts.
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